Chatterie Shamal Cattery

Welcome to Shamal Cattery!

Foldex and Exotic


We are a small cattery, producing best Foldex and Exotics kittens. The  most important to us, is to  socialize your kitten to be the most lovable pet ever. Raised in contact with children, Shamal Foldex and Exotics are calm, playful and love to be pet. Healt beeing a priority to us, we only work with PKD negative lines, al well as negative Fiv-Felv cats.

We make sure our cats meet the standars by showing them in Canadian Cat Association and  TICA,  Our Foldex make the best performances ever in show rings! We are so proud to be improving their quality, raising the standar to its best!

As producing best quality Foldex and Exotics would't be challenging enought, we decided to specialize in chocolates and lilacs! The only Foldex of thoses colors in North America! We also produce bi-colore, pointed and white, calico and self cats, and  tabbies. That way, we are able to provide you the kitten you ever wanted! We work with grand champion lines from all over the worl as, Hypknox's (Suède), Venetian Mask (Ukraine), Pearlhome (Espagne), Heartn'Soul (Canada), Anoushka, Jovan, Sybarit, Vivat, Ginoba, Aisalin, Unistar, Purfurvid, Yupiter, two witches, Malinka, Parti Wai Ex, Cat-a-Poltz, Uno-Belgatto, Thai-Yves,I-Catcher's, Karabel, Chamagoura, Stepping'stone, Choclobears (Silver Palm), Katbor-Kiss (Russie), LakeHyko, Caleb-Cats, Stepplechase, Mtw-Mews, QDpies, Playwickey... Thanks to all the breeders who allowed us to have one of their worderfull furr babies!

Our kittens are sold with a healt garantee contract. They are needled, dewormed and registered to CCA. Our Exotics can be registerd to CFA if you need him to be. All the kittens will be  sold neutred or spay. You could have breeding rights with a specific contract and showing you could be, or are a good breeder. Price will be higher.

We reserve to right to sell ours cats and kittens to the families we want to. We do not have to provide any explanation for refusing to sell a kitten or cat. Once you gave a deposit on a kitten, it's because you are really ready to give him the best home you can. The deposits can't be refund so be sure of  yourself!

Visit the Breed link to lear more about Foldex and Exotics!

Enjoy visiting our web site!




Last edited: 2024-01-16